Presentation The law firm

Business criminal law – General criminal law – Commercial litigation – Civil litigation


Nahon Avocat specialises in providing legal services in criminal proceedings and civil and commercial litigations.

The firm will spare no effort to provide you with tailor-made legal services that are efficient and deliver results, whether you are an individual, a director, or a legal entity.

To defend your interests, nothing is left to chance and each possible avenue is explored and analysed rigorously and determinedly.

Nahon Avocat is particularly reactive when dealing with urgent situations and is constantly at your side every step of the way.
In order to elaborate the best defence strategy, the firm closely coordinates with you, ensuring that the legal strategy is fully understood and agreed upon.

Dispute resolution at the heart of its activity

Nahon Avocat regularly advises and intervenes in a great variety of sensitive issues, representing the interest of its clients in various legal proceedings.

Whether you are a victim of an offence or a crime, a suspect or an accused in a criminal investigation or proceedings, plaintiff or defendant in a civil or commercial proceeding, Nahon Avocat assists you and represents you before:

  • the criminal courts (Tribunal de police, Tribunal correctionnel, Cour d’assises, Chambre de l’instruction, Chambre des appels correctionnels),
  • civil and commercial courts (Tribunal judiciaire, tribunal de proximité, tribunal de commerce, Cour d’appel),
  • ordinal and disciplinary bodies (Ordre National des infirmiers, des Médecins, des Experts-comptables, CNAPS, etc.).


The firm’s central objective is to defend your rights and legal interests and to find beneficial solutions beyond the mere application of the law. To this end, Nahon Avocat attaches particular importance to exploring alternative dispute resolution methods and to find amicable solutions to your disputes, where this is possible and in your interest.


Nahon Avocat offers its clients a comprehensive and global service by regularly working with a network of trusted partner lawyers that are highly specialized in complementary matters, including labour law, tax law, public law, corporate law, family and inheritance law, and immigration law.

Thanks to a network of lawyers qualified in other jurisdictions, Nahon Avocat also support its clients in international cases.